LRSC Exhibits Shirts from The Clothesline Project
Last week, LRSC participated in the Clothesline Project. The Clothesline project was started in Cape Cod, Massachusetts to bring awareness to communities in which sexual assault and abuse go unreported. Each of the colors represents a different form of abuse. LRSC displayed shirts from students all over North Dakota who have either been victims or known victims. If you or you know anyone who is a victim of sexual abuse, assault, or other sex crimes, please call your local law enforcement agency. If you or anyone is dealing with trauma related to such crimes, please call the crisis hotline at 211 for help 24-hours/7 days a week. It’s free and confidential.
Jesse Schuh’s Till House Saloon & Grill open in Lakota, ND
Jesse Schuh is proud to announce the opening of The Till House Saloon and Grill in downtown Lakota.
Busy weekend ahead for Devils Lake & area
There’s a busy weekend ahead in the Devils Lake area and this story will share a few of its highlights.
Old Glory lifted up, celebrated on Flag Day, June 14
On Wednesday June 14, 2023, the community of Devils Lake came together to honor Old Glory. Led by the Elks Community Band, Shrine Flag Corps, 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, VFW Honor Guard, VFW Auxiliary and the Cub Scouts.
Walhalla to Celebrate 175 Years
An event some 175 years in the making, the community of Walhalla will celebrate 175 years July 1-4 with events for the entire family.
Community Showcase of Upcoming Events
June 1 - 4 - The 2023 Devils Run is here!! Join the Rolling Thunder Dinner Cruise to Lakota on Thursday evening, June 1. Leaving Walmart parking lot at 5 p.m. Friday, June 1, the Devils Run activities take place at the Spirit Lake Casino and Resort. Saturday, at 7:30 a.m. is the 14 K Walk Run to remember the 14 North Dakota soldiers who have lost their lives in the war on terror. Devils Run parade is at 9:45 a.m. and the rest of the day is filled with Devils Run actitivies, including the steak fry and open air concerts in Roosevelt Park, vendors in the park and Women’s World shopping. Sunday closing ceremonies are also in the park with everything wrapping up around 3 p.m.
Community Showcase of Upcoming Events for Devils Lake, the Lake Region
CITY WIDE RUMMAGE SALES: If you would like to have a rummage sale in the City Wide Rummage Sales during Devils Run, June 2 and 3, don’t wait, get your information in to Patti as soon as possible so we can prepare it for the participants’ packets, etc. Cost: $9.25 for up to 25 words and $1.25 for each additional 10 words. Will run in the June 1 DLJ.
Community Showcase of Upcoming Events
CITY WIDE RUMMAGE SALES: If you would like to have a rummage sale in the City Wide Rummage Sales during Devils Run, June 2 and 3, don’t wait, get your information in to Patti as soon as possible so we can prepare it for the participants’ packets, etc. Cost: $9.25 for up to 25 words and $1.25 for each additional 10 words. Will run in the June 1 DLJ.
$20,000 Scholarships for John Deere Tech Program
DEVILS LAKE, ND – Joey Heiser and Ethan Brown have enrolled in the John Deere Tech Degree program at North Dakota State College of Science with sponsorships from Leading Edge Equipment in Devils Lake.
The Blonde on the Prairie: Hunting an elusive prey
I went hunting and purposely didn’t bring a shotgun.