The banners on the fence at CMS advertise Free Summer Food Program for all and where to go to take advatnage of it.

The banners on the fence at CMS advertise Free Summer Food Program for all and where to go to take advatnage of it.

The free Summer Food Program through DLPS has begun.

Breakfast available for a limited time:

Through June 21 Breakfast is available to all children 18 years old or younger in the community, whether they are students in the public schools or not. Just go to one of the city’s three elementary schools or Central Middle School between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Once Summer School is over, however, they will not be providing breakfast.

Lunch available through the Summer

Lunch will be provided also for all children 18 years old or younger at CMS every weekday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. through August 2. Closed on July 4 & 5 for the Independence Day Holiday. [Remember there is a free picnic in Roosevelt Park following the July 4 Parade]