The Devils Lake City and Ramsey County Commissions met for a joint meeting on Monday, March 13 at 5:30 p.m. in the basement of the courthouse. The only item on the agenda was discussion about the joint powers agreement of the ownership and operation of the Law Enforcement Center (LEC).

State’s Attorney Beau Cummings summed up the current situation of the LEC: in 1973, a Cooperative Agreement was drafted that states the LEC is owned 50% by the City of Devils Lake and 50% by Ramsey County. There have been many amendments to this original agreement, but at its core, the city and county split the ownership of the LEC 50/50. It is the recommendation of Cummings and City Attorney Yunker that the city and county commissions vote to deed the facility to the LEC board, and from there draft an operations agreement that would detail cost sharing between all entities that utilize the facility.

Many scenarios were brought forward for consideration, such as what would happen if the LEC were to go defunct, or if a large capital improvement project is necessary in the future, or how another entity that would like to utilize the LEC would be able to enter the agreement without affecting the original parties.

A motion was eventually made by City Commissioner Pierce to give Attorneys Yunker and Cummings permission to draft an agreement to deed the property to the LEC Board, then at each individual commission level to review said agreement and then make a decision about operational agreements. This motion was seconded and passed unanimously at the city level. The same motion was made by County Commissioner Gessner, which was also seconded and unanimously carried.

Past meeting minutes and meeting agendas for county commission meetings can be found at