The 2024 season is over. The season premiere of 2025 just started and it was welcomed by the annual “Get Well Party” at the Elks Lodge. Some came for the music (played and sung wonderfully by Mike Morse), some came to get their first dance of the year, and some came for the big-money raffles. The raffles give away cash prizes in the three and four-digit range. Many come for the delicious Bloody Mary’s that are on the house. You can’t forget the free-will food that the Elks Lodge offers. From hearty ground beef, franks and beans, delicious desserts, and more.
But everyone comes out to usher in a new year. The Japanese have an end-of-the-year gathering called “bonenkai.” It can be roughly translated to “forget the year gathering.” It’s when friends and co-workers gather together to put the previous year to rest and celebrate with large amounts of alcohol. That’s what the Elks Lodge feels like. Everyone who gathered came to welcome 2025 and say goodbye to the troubles and woes of 2024.
To all the readers and advertisers who read, buy, and support the Journal, thank you for being with us in 2024. We look forward to continuing to represent Devils Lake and the Lake Region in 2024.