On Thursday, November 9 the students of Central Middle School in Devils Lake will present their annual Salute to Veterans at 10 a.m. in the CMS gymnasium. All veterans, active service and members of the public are welcome to attend this heart-felt tribute to those who have served in the various branches of the service through the years.

The featured speaker for this year’s CMS Salute to Veterans is Major Brett Nelson.

Although each year the program is a little different from the year before, the Central Middle School students provide the music, both instrumental and choral selections and JROTC honor guard participate in the festivities. Coordinator of this program is Megan Wasness, who works with the faculty, staff and students to put together a slide show presentation showing the connections of nearly all the people in the school with those who have or are serving in the military.

Those who attend the program are also invited to join the students in the CMS lunch room for the day’s hot lunch.