(Jamestown, ND)—Boys and girls from around the state of North Dakota competed in the third round of competition in the Elks ―Hoop Shoot‖® free throw contest at Jamestown High School, Saturday, January 18. Boys and girls in the competition are each sponsored by one of eight local Elks Lodge in ND. Six boys and girls from Devils Lake Lodge #1216 competed.

Jacoby Allery of Devils Lake was crowned state champion in the boys 10-11 division. Jacoby made 19 of his 25 free throws. This score earns him 1st place and the opportunity to move on to the next level of competition.

Other youth who participated include: Harlow Harkness, Ella Haagenson, Ruby Streyle, Bridger Swanson and Evan Hendrickson.

Jacoby and the other five state champions from Bismarck and Jamestown now advance to the regional competition in Rapid City, SD, March 8.

The Elks ―Hoop Shoot®, began as a local program by the Corvallis, Ore., Elks in 1946. This is the 40th year of the national competition. Nearly three million boys and girls are expected to participate this year. Contestants shoot 25 free throws in the competition.

For more information on the Elks and Hoop Shoot, visit www.elks.org/hoopshoot