The Ramsey County Commission met for both a special and regular meeting on Tuesday, July 18 beginning at 4 and 5:30 p.m., respectively. At 4 p.m., the commission heard from the Lake Region Public Library, Lake Region District Health Unit, Lake Region Heritage Center, Law Enforcement Center, Forward Devils Lake, Devils Lake Water Basin, County Treasurer’s Office, and the County Superintendent present budget defenses.

Following the special budget presentations, the commission held a moment of silence for the fallen Fargo Police Department officer, and voted unanimously to send a letter of condolence to the police department, signed by all commissioners. After this, the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Department, State’s Attorney, and State Highway Superintendent presented their budget defenses.

Representatives from townships in Ramsey County were present to voice comments on alternatives to the state DOT adding j-turns to Highway 2. The letter will be refined and reviewed by the State’s Attorney and sent to the state next week. State’s Attorney Cummings presented final contract-for-deed details on a property that was sold at auction; the state tax department provided a form for the individual and the county to sign, and unless the Attorney General releases a different opinion, a few tweaks to the agreement will solve the dispute. The commission voted unanimously via roll call vote to set the interest rate for this property at the market rate as of July 18, 2023. The commission then approved a submitted abatement and special permit.

After discussion regarding Guardian Flight Service leaving Devils Lake, the commissioners voted to hold another special budget meeting at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, July 25.

Past meeting minutes and future meeting agendas can be found at