March is agriculture month. Agriculture affects everyone in some way or another and it is such a big part of North Dakota.
I didn’t come from a farm family. I grew up in a rural setting, but not on a farm. However, the lifestyle and profession intrigued me (and still does)! I can distinctly remember being about 11 or 12 years old and wondering if my life would take me in the direction of country living and/or agriculture. Fast forward about 10 years and I married my best friend who, low and behold grew up on a grain farm. As James transitioned into helping on the farm I was happy to come along side him and fill the farmer’s wife roll. For me it has been to help where needed, stay home with the children, cook, clean, bake, sew, garden, etc. and I love it! I know that the role can look different for everyone but so far this has been mine.
The farming lifestyle is one that takes some getting used to and lots of learning. Sometimes I look back at when James first started farming full time (usually this is when I’m wondering when he will get home, ha-ha) and see how much I understand the ins and outs better. When he was first farming I had so many questions. Why do you do this or that? How long will that take? (Longer than you expect should be the answer always to this one! Ha!) Thankfully he was willing to answer them and a lot of times I now can figure out that he is going here or there and this is why, without having to wonder or ask. If you are involved on a farm, I know you get it.
Farming is not just about planting and harvesting. There are so many aspects of farming from more involved filing of taxes, crop insurance, business decisions, marketing grain, plus you have to care for that crop once its planted. You can’t just sit back and wait for it to be harvest time. Like a lot of other occupations, farmers are an important part of our world. If you know of a farmer and don’t quite understand, ask them some questions about their work. I’m sure they would be glad to answer them for you!
One of my favorite things about living in this “prairie paradise” is the sunsets. I will share one here so you can enjoy it with me! It was taken this past summer on our farm. Thank you for reading, until next time.
– Mariah Nienhuis | TheFarmChicken