Pause, think, pray. You want a kitten or two? Inquire within! Here, one of the sanctuary kittens got some lovely indoor time just to be dewormed!

Pause, think, pray. You want a kitten or two? Inquire within! Here, one of the sanctuary kittens got some lovely indoor time just to be dewormed!

“New Years Resolution”

Ah, New Year’s — the time when we all collectively pretend we’re going to overhaul our lives, lose 20 pounds by February, and finally use that fancy juicer lurking in the back of the cupboard. The gym memberships are purchased, the planners are filled with color-coded goals, and for a brief, shining moment, we believe we can become completely different people. But what if this year’s resolutions didn’t just change our own lives? What if they started a revolution?

Now, I’m not suggesting a full-scale uprising. I’m talking about the kind of revolution that’s as polite as a North Dakota nice handshake. For those unfamiliar, North Dakota nice isn’t just a saying; it’s a way of life. It’s the kind of politeness where you shovel your neighbor’s driveway before they even ask, bring hotdish to a potluck and offer to do the dishes, and apologize profusely when someone steps on your foot. If there’s any place that could quietly start a revolution without anyone raising their voice, it’s here.

Let’s start with a simple resolution: Be kind. Not your average, hold-the-door-open kind of kind. I’m talking about going full-blown Midwestern hospitality. Imagine if everyone resolved to be just a little more like Karen from Minot, who bakes cookies for the whole block every Sunday. A kindness revolution could sweep the nation faster than a blizzard on the prairie.

Or how about the resolution to embrace life’s quirks? This could be the year we lean into the weirdness that makes us who we are. For example, there’s always that one guy in town who insists on wearing shorts in January because “it’s not that cold.” This year, let’s celebrate that guy. Better yet, let’s follow his lead and stop letting a little thing like -20°F wind chill dictate our wardrobe choices. Who’s with me?

Then there’s my personal favorite: the resolution to stop taking things so seriously. This is where the real revolution begins. Instead of agonizing over your perfectly curated Instagram feed, let’s post that picture where your kid’s finger is in their nose, your dog is mid-sneeze, and your bangs are doing that weird flippy thing. Life isn’t perfect, and neither are we, so let’s embrace the chaos.

And finally, let’s resolve to say yes to new experiences. Not every new adventure will be a winner, but you never know until you try. You might discover that ice fishing is surprisingly relaxing (once you stop thinking about hypothermia), or that lefse-making is less about the perfect roll and more about the camaraderie of flour-covered friends.

So, here’s to a year of resolutions that ripple outward. A year where kindness replaces cynicism, silliness beats stoicism, and we all embrace life’s quirks with the gusto of a North Dakotan at a lutefisk dinner. Will we stumble along the way? Absolutely. But if we can laugh at ourselves and keep going, maybe—just maybe—we’ll spark a revolution, one resolution at a time!

Happy New Year, DLJ friends. And remember: Stay nice, stay weird, and always bring the hot dish to a potluck!

“Paws for Thought”

Welcome to an edition of “Paws for Thought,” where we explore the peculiar and often hilarious world of my cat sanctuary. Don’t judge me. I can’t let humans, animals, bugs, snakes or rodents suffer. I was born this way! Here, anywhere from 23 to 31 feline residents enjoy the luxury of two microwavable meals a day in their cozy garage hut houses. Each cat is as unique as a snowflake, which is fitting because they all have distinct colors, shapes, and sizes, not to mention personalities that could rival a cast of a sitcom.

In the Personality Parade, we have Sir Whiskers, the dignified gentleman who insists on having his meals served on a specific plate. There’s also Patches, the adventurous explorer who once got stuck in the dryer- that one and only time I let him in to deworm him! (Thankfully, it wasn’t running). And let’s not forget about Miss Muffin, the diva who demands a head scratch before each meal but wants nothing to do with me after!

Life lessons are everywhere when you’re surrounded by such a colorful cast. For instance, Sir Whiskers teaches us the value of dignity and having standards (even if it’s just for dinnerware). Patches reminds us that curiosity can lead to both trouble and discovery, and that’s how we learn. And Miss Muffin? She’s a reminder that sometimes, you need to ask for what you want in life—loudly, if necessary.

So, the next time you’re feeling a bit down or need some inspiration, just remember: life’s lessons are all around us, often wrapped in fur, with a purr and a meow. And if you ever need a giggle, you’re always welcome at the sanctuary, where the personality parade never ends!

Donations welcome! Eek! Caring for these lessons gets expensive!

Pause, think, pray. You want a kitten or two? Inquire within!

One of the sanctuary kittens got some lovely indoor time just to be dewormed!

Editor’s note: Maybe I should call it a “confession” but I don’t know HOW I could have missed both of these columns during December! It is a mystery to me. Thankfully Jodi set me straight and here they are with a photo from Jodi, too!

“Mea culpa!” — Louise Oleson, editor