When in Rome-do as the Romans do.

I took that to mean, visit the Vatican, the Colosseum, eat pizza, spaghetti and linguini and for Heaven sakes, drink a real espresso while sitting with my lover at the Trevi Fountain.

I went deep into Mexico and I took that to mean, eat tacos, enchiladas, fajitas and fried ice cream (I chose respectfully not to eat the goat that was alive just an hour before) – but that’s on me.

While in the south of France, I took that to mean eat French fries on the Riviera not yet having the wisdom that the French didn’t invent the French fry. But I took it to mean it there and it was grand.

No matter where in the world I’ve traveled – I find time to study the language of the land.

I was created an odd-duck. For some strange reason, I learn and retain foreign languages as easy as I memorize my lipstick colors.

The even more peculiar thing that only us weirdos can claim as our own is my ability to mimic voices, mannerisms and accents. This past weekend, we got chosen to serve at a beautiful, exciting, sacred three-day event near the Canadian border. It was only near the border though we were still in North Dakota.

Many people at the event had traveled from Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Canada. Not even five minutes into the event – I was talking like I was from Moose Jaw or the village of Primate! I found it to be the most warm accent. It was inviting and comforting somehow.

Even I got tired of myself saying, “Eh,” during a conversation but only because they did.

On day two – an elder gentleman placed his order. We began talking about the event. I was mesmerized by how into the conversation he was. I soon found out it wasn’t anything interesting about the conversation he was into. It was my voice. He looked up at me through my food truck window and said, “Do you realize you talk just like us now?”

So I asked, “Do you realize your accent is highly contagious?” I tried to sound like however I sound on a regular day in North Dakota but it had consumed me. It’s a much more interesting accent than that of central or southern North Dakota. The North Dakotans from the north side have more of a natural inflection than we do down south.

Uff. Did I say, “down south?” Don’t even get me started, y’all! When in Rome – be yourself!

If yourself is a human created to learn languages, do that. And if you aren’t – have a glass of wine, enjoy the art, the fashion, the ambiance and kiss your lover while sitting at the Trevi Fountain!

Accentuate the positive wherever you go, eh?

The Blonde on the Prairie is a lover of ND. She is an author and motivational speaker, owner of “Monkey Balls” food truck and Joyologist to the elderly, the disabled and, now, also to children wherever she is needed during the school year and beyond.