One of the dominating principles of the United States of America was we had a country ruled by laws not by people. Our justice system has evolved over time where the citizens of the country could rely, for the most part, on a spectrum of laws that attempted to treat everyone rich or poor as equals in the way justice was used as needed. Throughout our history our justice system has not done a good job of handing out justice on an equal basis, often having at least a two-tier system, perhaps even more tiers, one for the very wealthy and one for most of the people.

It is well known that if you are wealthy, you can hire top notch legal services that are given the resources and have the capacity to provide very good defense of the wealthy in legal situations. They do a very good job of manufacturing delays that can string-out court proceedings for months or even years. Vivid example is the indictments of the former president that have been delayed by legal maneuvers; questionable political shenanigans and judges (Supreme Court and Florida judge) aiding in the delaying the process for partisan political gain, there is no other reasonable explanation. In addition, the former president who claims to be a billionaire, with recent revelations that is highly unlikely, is using donations to pay most or all his legal expenses making it easy to retain legal counsel and postpone trails indefinitely.

To exacerbate our troubling legal system is a Supreme Court that does not seem to adhere to ideal of removing political bias and personal beliefs and philosophies from court rulings to assure the public that they are conducting business with the best interests of all the people not narrow special interests. We have two Justices that seem to be ethically challenged and suspiciously corrupt. It is now widely known that at least two Justices have accepted expensive gifts from very wealthy individuals which calls into question their supposed unbiased manner that they are intending to conduct Supreme Court business. The public approval of the Supreme Court has been in decline for some time and recent actions, or in some cases inaction, assure that this trend will very likely continue. The Supreme Court was designed to adjudicate cases in a non-partisan manner relying on legal precedent.

The former president is using donor (the willfully ignorant and gullible marks of this grand con) contributions, something I find highly questionable, to pay legal bills that result in a legal defense in multiple court cases strategy that is based on delay. The delay is intended to stall as many court cases as possible until after the 2024 election with the hope that he will be elected president and could have all those cases dismissed. The Florida documents case is vivid example of how a judge appointed to her position by the former president is doing everything in her power to delay the court cases, including considering demising the case, so any judgement would take place after the 2024 election and possibly be ended by a newly elected president. It is hard not to see this as being very political, speculation has been made that she was promised something, possibly even a seat on the Supreme Court, to slow walk the court case for the political partisan benefit the president that appointed her to her current position. We have the Supreme Court noticeably slow walking consideration on blanket immunity for the president on all his actions no matter how objectively criminal, including murder.

Our criminal justice system is so messed up that it is hard to fathom how worse it could get, but I am sure it will likely get worse because a system that doles out unequal justice often based on your economic status within society is trending in the wrong direction. What we are witnessing from the Supreme Court and highly partisan judges throughout the country does not bode well for the future. Recently a state signed into law a requirement for the ten commandments to be displayed in all public schools throughout the state. While this a clear violation of the constitution’s separation of church and state it is unclear when this inevitable case makes its way to the Supreme Court if the court will defy what is explicit in the constitution and uphold a clear-cut violation of the constitution. When there are clear-cut violations of the constitution being legalized by a rogue Supreme Court that seems to apply politics, personal ideology and religious dogma when making decisions we are beginning to unravel as a country.

There is a growing number of individuals that believe that existing laws don’t apply to them. The fact that the Supreme Court is even considering a total immune president would have seemed ridiculous a decade ago but is scary given our corrupt and partisan court. While it remains unlikely that court will grant immunity for the president the fact that they even considered the possibility and then slow-walked the decision that will have political ramifications of utmost importance to one political party should make every citizen leery of where this country is heading.