During this election season, it is important to reemphasize understanding what those we elect are supposed to do as our representative to local, state and federal government. For some time, those we elect have been doing the bidding of minority segments of the overall population, the very wealthy, multinational corporations, religious extremists, and other small subsets of society. The primary purpose of a representative democracy is to do what is in the best interests of most of society, according to the constitution to create a more perfect union. If what is currently happening represents the way to create a more perfect union, most people have an ill-conceived and troubling understanding of what is required to do so.
The Preamble of the Constitution: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
It is of utmost importance that we take into consideration these words that begin this document that established our country. No, the constitution isn’t just the ongoing misinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment that justifies this country having more guns of all sorts than citizens. These words provide the basic framework for what all elected officials should consider when they do their job of representing the interest of all those living in the political jurisdiction they were elected to represent. If you want to watch a movie which typifies the corruption that can infest legislative bodies and the belief of persistent legislators who adhere to what was outlines in the preamble of the constitution, watch Jimmy Stewart in “Mr. Smith goes to Washington.” If you haven’t seen the movie or forgotten the pleasure of watching good turnback evil, please watch this old but highly relevant movie.
The current political process has become something that makes it very difficult for someone elected to Congress and many state legislatures to do their job in accordance with the basic philosophy of the words in the preamble of the constitution. The influence of money, particularly from big money donors, was never envisioned by the founding fathers who crafted the constitution. We now, based on a bogus decision by the Supreme Court equating money with free speech, have huge dark money spending where enormous sums of money can be contributed from often unknown sources. The fact is that the founding fathers didn’t really believe in political parties or professional politicians. This corruption of our political process makes it difficult to work toward what the preamble of the constitution outlined because many of those with the most money want a very different country that serves their needs and wishes. They have a very different philosophy and belief system that runs contrary to what are the beliefs and philosophies of most citizens.
Regardless of what you may personally think of the constitution as the guiding light for our form of government, all federally elected officials and most top-level government employees swear allegiance to the constitution when they are sworn into office. The constitution is not a perfect document, but it establishes some basic principles, visions and purposes for we the people to operate our government in a manner that works toward a more perfect union. There is one political party that wants to make government work better to achieve a superior, more diverse and free society and there is one political party that wants to dramatically change our society to make it less diverse, less free and a better society for a small segment of society at the expense of most American citizens. We will find out in a few months what the voters truly want and the difference between the two individuals seeking to be President of the United States for four years starting in 2025. Choose wisely because the future or further deterioration of our once great country rests in the hands of we the people.