Leadership Awareness Weekend (LAW), a statewide 4-H civic engagement event, helped 43 youth from 14 counties develop and enhance their leadership skills. Ten of the young people shown here are from Ramsey County.
This year’s Leadership Awareness Weekend (LAW), a statewide 4-H civic engagement event, helped 43 youth from 14 counties develop and enhance their leadership skills. The event, organized by North Dakota State University Extension’s Center for 4-H Youth Development, was held Jan. 15-16 in Bismarck.
On the first day, youth participated in a service-learning activity and attended breakout sessions on topics that included leadership etiquette and political parties. One session included a legislative panel comprised of six legislative members who answered questions from the youth.
“It was a very fun and informative experience,” says Bridger Rivinius, 4-H’er from Stutsman County. “The legislators seemed like they wanted to help us.”
“I will remember that our legislators are supposed to make decisions based on the good of the people in their county,” says another 4-H’er. “This means that talking to them about issues is important.”
The next day, the youth traveled to the North Dakota State Capital, where they had the opportunity to attend a committee meeting and tour the capitol. They also participated in a scavenger hunt in the North Dakota Heritage Center.
“I enjoyed learning more about what goes on inside the Senate,” says Luke Schroeder, 4-H’er from Barnes County. “Getting to sit on the floor with a senator was a really rewarding experience.”
Ramsey County 4-H had ten members attend the two day workshop.