Football is not my sport. I am not even a Jets fan, honestly. While the Firebirds are a great team and coach (I read all about them thanks to Mojo Hill’s fantastic writeups), I had to attend one of their games. I wasn’t a fan in the stands or in the press box. I was behind the concession stand!

The Kiwanis Club had reached out looking for volunteers to help pass out food, grab drinks, man the register and just be a helping hand. Volunteering is a great activity that gets me out in the community and I’m always happy to help when I can and to the best of my ability.

I got placed by the drinks to hand out to the two registers when someone wanted a Coke, Sprite, water, etc. Someone orders a Coke. One of the volunteers yells “COKE!” I yell back “COKE!” Open the cooler, grab a Coke bottle and pass it off.

With the popcorn being popped on a popcorn machine, the pizza being heated and Friday being a particularly warm day, I was lucky I got to work with the drinks. Being near the coolers helped keep my temperature down during the frenetic evening.

There is never a dull moment when it comes to working concessions. One thing I learned is that before the game, during the game and after the game, people are always wanting concessions. It doesn’t matter if it’s the first down, second down, timeout, or any other time. People are always hungry or thirsty and have to keep their energy up to cheer for the Firebirds.

There are a lot of moving parts that keep the concessions going at a fast pace. Whether it’s Lisa Crosby, Sean Roed, or any other member of the Kiwanis Club, all the people in the concessions are doing their best to make every customer happy.

If you ever have an opportunity to help out with the Kiwanis Club at the concessions for any of the home games, I highly recommend you try it once. Kiwanis needs as many good volunteers as possible.