City finalizes its 2025 budget
The Devils Lake City Commission met Monday, Sep. 16 in City Hall to finalize its 2025 budget and take care of other agenda items and business.
Following the Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance and approval of the previous meeting’s minutes the commission moved directly into the Public Hearing scheduled for 5:30 p.m.
Devils Lake resident David Olson came up to the podium to talk about the funding cuts affecting the Lake Region Public Library. He told the commission how much he appreciates the Public Library and expressed his concern that it looked as if the library would be taking a big cut in financial support. Olson was very respectful of the commission as he expressed his dismay that the funding cuts would mean no full-time Children’s Librarian that they hoped to fund in the coming year. He asked for them to re-visit the budget cuts and reconsider their position.
Following his presentation Mayor Jim Moe and the City Manager Spencer Halverson addressed the issue of the proposed cuts in the budget, why they did it this way and how it would all work out in the end for the library that it in reality would not be losing as much as feared.
Hearing no other protests or opinions addressed, they closed the public hearing and finalized the 2025 Final Budget.
Under Commission Portfolios they discussed the proper display of political signs – on personal property, not on the city’s property; the city’s big sanitation pick up began today; the columbarium at the Devils Lake Cemetery is ready for use; Homecoming Parade is coming Sep. 27; a number of the city’s ordinances need revision and updating; and the ground breaking for the DLHS Ag Center is at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Sep. 17.
New Business included a resolution establishing rates and fees effective Jan. 1, 2025; pay the estimate #2 to Mayo Construction for the West Side Project; Declaration of Emergency and budget amendment 24-05 to repair the leaking roof of the Sanitation Building and a resolution authorizing redemption of Sales Tax Revenue Bond, series 2015B, $1,280,00 accrued interest.