With the close of summer, you’ll notice a swing from fishing rods to shotguns. For many it’s a seamless transition and welcomed, even if the tradeoff means we’re one step closer to winter.
People who hunt all fall, starting with early goose, then doves and working through upland game and waterfowl, gradually acclimate their body to extreme temperatures and physical exertion. This natural progression serves as a tune-up for October pheasant and November’s deer season. Many hunters have been planning fall hunts since the close of last year, but how many have been working their bodies along with their minds?
Sore muscles, blistered feet, overexertion and other injuries are all possible consequences of lack of preparation. On the other hand, just like the softball player who spends the off-season periodically working out, hunters who are physically fit can tip the odds for success in their favor.
Deer hunting can often mean hikes through knee-deep snow or heavy cover, and up and down hills. In small doses, these activities are manageable. But a lot of deer hunters with little physical preparation start walking at noon on opening day and don’t stop until sunset. It’s no wonder they wake up the next morning with stiff joints and dwindling enthusiasm.
Hunters who start now can only serve to help themselves and an old friend who just so happens to be in the exercise physiology field always equated it to quitting smoking, where you won’t see dramatic results the first day, but the sooner you start the better off you are in the long run.
It might be as simple as stretching and walking and increasing your workout according to how your body reacts. I’ve always tried to keep myself physically fit and you’ll find out firsthand going for a walk each evening, doing pushups, or other exercises, will help, but a couple walks through thick cover and up and down varied terrain is not the same. It’s different muscles and movement. Big game hunters feel firsthand how dragging the harvest out after a successful hunt is also a major stress on the body. It’s also not an easy activity for which to prepare. But prepare ahead of time and when your body tells you to stop, listen. It’s one time where stopping, taking a break or asking for help may literally be a lifesaving choice.
And you hear, read and see this advice repeatedly, any new training program should begin with a checkup that includes a doctor’s recommendations. It’s not just a casual suggestion, but if you plan on having your hunting rig checked for any major preseason issues, check the mirror first.