Kelly Anderson, center, is flanked by Amy Heilman and Scott Thompson from First United Bank, the sponsor of the Teacher of the Year Award. They were joined by DLHS student, Gabby Hanson representing the Student Council (far left) and DLPS Superintendent Ned Clooten (far right).
First-grade Sweetwater Elementary School teacher Kelly Anderson had a nice surprise waiting for her. An assembly gathered in the gymnasium where she was awarded the 2025 Devils Lake Public School Teacher of the Year. Joined by family members, colleagues, and others, Anderson was presented with a plaque and a $1500 stipend from First United Bank that can be used to enroll in a workshop. Anderson is also eligible to be submitted for North Dakota Teacher of the Year.
A former kindergarten teacher at Praire View Elementary School, Superintendent Ned Clooten called her “an exceptional educator with her heart and soul in teaching.” Clooten added that Anderson “plans seamless and fun lessons” for her students. “She shows up every day with a positive attitude and tremendous work ethic. Mrs. Anderson is a designated professional who has mastered the art of teaching and reaching all students at all academic levels,” Clooten said. “Our school district is a better place because of Mrs. Kelly Anderson.”
About Kelly Anderson
“Kelly Anderson received her Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of North Dakota in 2002. Her career in educaiton began at Early Explorer’s Head Start and Early Head Start, in Devils Lake, as the lead teacher. In 2008, she accepted a position with Devils Lake Public Schools as a kindergarten teacher at Prairie View Elementary School. Four years later, Mrs. Anderson began teaching first grade. She moved to Sweetwater Elementary with the district re-structuring and it was clear from the moment she moved her many boxes into her classroom, that she was an exceptional educator who put her heart and soul into teaching.”
“Anderson is a master teacher and skilled in every aspect of the role of an educator. Her soft voice, calm demeanor and overall kindness, provides a welcoming and caring environment, where all students gain the skills needed to succeed. She works diligently to help her students excel, even when faced with challenges. Kelly Anderson builds relationships with her students and takes time to listen to their stories and concerns, making them feel important and valued. She is a master of classroom managment. This is evident when you walk into her classroom, and her first-grade students are on task and focused. Kelly is very knowledgeable about the curriculum and plans fun and seamless lessons and activities to keep students engaged. She has a strong understanding of technology, integrating it to enhance her lessons and provide supportive communication to families. Kelly has served on many district committees and remains in “learning mode” as a lifelong learner. She shows up every day with a positive attitude and tremendous work ethic. Mrs. Anderson is a dedicated professional who has mastered the art of teaching and reaching all students, at all academic levels. Our school district is a better place because of Kelly Anderson. “
“Kelly is married to Scott Anderson. Her extended family includes her sister, Stephanie, (Jason), her brother, Andrew, (Kristen) and several nieces and nephews. In her free time, Kelly enjoys spending time with family and friends and reading. With her selection as Teacher of the Year for the Devils Lake Public School district, Mrs. Anderson is eligible for the 2025 North Dakota Teacher of the Year award which will be selected in September 2024 by a state selection committee in Bismarck.”
“The Devils Lake Public School Teacher of the Year program is sponsored by First United Bank, the Devils Lake High School Student Council and the Devils Lake Public School District. In addition to the stipend from the bank sponsor of this award, she received $250 in Chamber Bucks from Devils Lake Public Schools.”
Anderson spoke to the DLJ after the ceremony. “I’m excited and I’m surprised and it’s very appreciated,” she said. “I love my job and it’s fun to be a first-grade teacher.”