The Devils Lake City Commission met for a regular meeting on Monday, Nov. 6 at 5:30 p.m. After approving the previous meeting’s minutes, the commission opened a public hearing for a proposed subdivision, which received one comment in favor. The proposal was accepted unanimously. Devils Lake Public Schools Superintendent Ned Clooten was present to request funding for a new ag building at the high school. City Administrator Spencer Halvorson recommended pledging $100,000 contingent upon the school system first being able to raise $500,000. The commission was supportive of this building and program and motioned to table the final vote to a future meeting.
In 2021, Utilities awarded a bid to Devils Lake Cars for a new utility van. This was ordered when the bid was awarded, but now is unavailable. The commission voted unanimously via roll call vote to purchase a 2023 van for a little more than the original van’s purchase price. Under commissioner portfolios, Mayor Jim Moe noted that Police Chief Joe Knowski will be retiring effective May 1, 2024. We thank him for his service and wish him well.
City Administrator Spencer Halvorson gave the commissioners a precursor to a future conversation regarding the formation of a City of Devils Lake Jobs Development Authority instead of partly utilizing Forward Devils Lake for economic development and partly using the city. This will be decided later. Mayor Moe invited the commission and general public to town hall meetings to discuss the healthcare situation in Devils Lake on Wednesday, November 15 at 2 p.m. and Thursday, November 16 at 6:30 p.m., both at the Fire Hall. Following these meetings, Senator Hoeven will tentatively return for further discussion and action.
Representatives from Gilbertson Funeral Home were present to solidify an agreement between the home and the city regarding the installation and maintenance of a columbarium in the city’s cemetery. An agreement was found between both parties, and the commissioners unanimously voted to approve moving forward with this plan.
The commission then passed the following motions: to set up an ICS account with Bremer Bank, to advertise for bids for sidewalk snow removal, a street improvement project in the Stromquist division, and the necessary motions for the city to purchase just over 415 acres of land adjacent to the airport and city waste water treatment plant, contingent upon the city attorney’s review and acceptance. Bills were voted to be paid and the meeting was adjourned.
Past meeting minutes and future meeting agendas can be found at