Several vehicles in the parking lot of the movie theater Encore 301 on Oct. 5 mean that progress is taking place and it won’t be too long before Devils Lake can celebrate the grand opening of its new and improved movie theater. The Journal will keep you informed as that date nears.
Everyone in Devils Lake has been eager to know where the soon-to-be-completed Encore 301 movie theater is. Peter Foss, the project manager, spoke at the Rotary Club Wednesday about how it’s coming along. Here are some of the key updates Foss provided:
The movies will be shown digitally. Instead of film reels, the movies are transmitted through satellite and play automatically.
There will be new movies shown.
Forward Devils Lake and also “rich farmers” helped provide funds for the project.
“Everything in that building is going to be brand new. New seats, new screens, new curtains, new projectors, new bathrooms.
It’s a place we can really be proud of.”
The small theater will have about 80 seats, the middle theater is about 100, and the big theater will have about 140.
The seats will be brand new rocker seating. “We told them not to space them too far apart so you can snuggle with your significant other.”
The schedule starting off will likely be one movie a night, weekends will be more, and one day will be closed.
They are working with a movie broker who provides the movies. This broker works with AMC, Regal, and other big multiplexes. “They get to say when you can run them, when you can play them, when you can get them.”
No plans to build a marquee to show the movies that are or will be playing.
Online tickets will be available as well as reserved seating.
No alcoholic drinks are being sold “to keep it family-friendly”
Concessions will be basic movie theater snacks like popcorn, candy, pretzels, soft drinks, and nachos. “Down the road, they definitely want to get into more food like pizza.”
In the next few weeks, Encore 301 will start hiring.
As for when the theater will be open: “I think we’re getting close. I don’t know when we’ll be open. I like to tell everyone when we’re done. Hopefully, we’ll be done very shortly.”
All quotes are Peter Foss.