A Hot Dish Rally to honor Patriots Day at Lake Region Heritage Center takes place on Sunday, Sept. 10 at 1 p.m.

The District 15 Democratic Party will be hosting a program to honor Patriots Day. The public is invited to attend the event and enjoy Hot Dish and Deserts starting at 1 p.m. A program will follow that includes: Maddie Cummings, LR Public Library Director, William Jennings Bryan being brought back to Devils Lake, after more than 100 years as Collin Evenson presents excerpts from his Cross of Gold speech given at the Lakewood Chautauqua and Jeffrey Powell, former candidate for ND Secretary of State speaking on “Democrats: the Party of Values.”

All are welcome to attend the Hot Dish Rally to Honor Patriots Day. Contact Collin Evenson at 701-351-3487 for more information.