The Devils Lake School Board watched a short video promoting two-day training scheduled at LRSC they will be attending soon.
The Devils Lake Public School Board meeting was held at 5 p.m. on August 28 in the Sports Center. Following the call to order, Pledge of Allegiance, preview and approval of the agenda 12 pages of bills were approved.
Superintendent Ned Clooten informed the board that this meeting was being taped and would be made available posted on the district’s website because of a request by a constituent. He asked the board members what they wanted to do, would they want to continue recording meetings and posting them or not, asking what were their wishes. Following a brief discussion it was decided to continue recording and posting the audio recordings. Business Manager Melissa Haahr explained that the posts would stay on the website for three months. Everyone was in approval of the plan.
The NDSBA convention October 26 – 27 in Bismarck was discussed and registration was completed. New board member, Emily Foss, will attend the sessions specifically for new school board members and at least one of the board members plans to attend the School Law Seminar.
Special Reports and Recommendations
The board watched a short video about training scheduled at LRSC they will be attending soon.
There was a discussion about the Renaissance Zone Authority and board member, Sheri Olson, volunteered to be a liason to the district on their board.
Out of state travel was approved for June of 2024 for Jeremiah Johnson and his students.
All tuition waiver requests were approved.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Devils Lake School Board will be 5 p.m. on Sept. 11, it will be immediately followed by the Notice to District Taxpayers.