The new sign is up for Encore 301; Devils Lake’s new and improved movie theater located at 125 4th St. SW, across from McDonalds.
Around the Devils Lake area there are many projects underway to benefit the entire community. You might call it a “Harvest of Progress” in the making.
At the city’s Regional Airport on Highway 19 West, about 1 mile, work continues on the improvements that are in progress both inside the terminal and outside. When work is completed the parking lot will be expanded and there will be a passenger boarding bridge to make getting on and off flights easier. The inside of the terminal will have a new and improved x-ray machine. Once passengers go through TSA screening, the holding area lounge will include restroom facilities, a mother’s room, vending machines and be more spacious than current space allows. A $16 million grant received for this work from the Federal Government must be spent by June 30, 2024. It looks as if work is well underway on this project.
In Roosevelt Park the Red Building, the old band stand that had been enclosed and used as an activity center for many years, has been razed. In its place the Devils Lake Park Board plans to build a bigger and better facility. The new activity center will seat approximately 200 people. It will have a vaulted ceiling, be handicapped accessible, air conditioned and heated so it can be used year-round. The plans are for it to have a full kitchen with countertop serving area and bathroom facilities. The estimated cost of this project is an approximate $400,000.
The new sign is up for Encore 301; Devils Lake’s new and improved movie theater located at 125 4th St. SW, across from McDonalds. Owned and operated by the Unpopped Colonels, LLC, this project was slated to be ready to open sometime around Labor Day, unfortunately that date will have to be extended. According to remodeling project manager, Peter Foss, they are done tearing things out and started rebuilding the concession stand area, etc. Installing all the new “rocker” chairs in the theaters is a specialized project and no one was available to come to Devils Lake to accomplish that until mid September. So Foss says they are looking at having everything ready to go mid October, now.
Along Railroad Avenue at the AMTRAK Station, workers have been busy most of the summer digging the footings for and designing a sidewalk to line the tracks along where the Empire Builder stops. This addition will allow passengers to have access to getting off and on the trains easier wherever it stops along that stretch of railroad tracks. Speed and weather conditions often effect stopping distances for the trains and accessibility is important for all who utilize this mode of transportation.
Dockside Entertainment, the entertainment facility project to be completed in the former Leevers Foods South building at the intersection of US Highway 2 and ND Highway 59/20, is begun. Daniel Johnston of Johnston & Sons Electric, Inc. out of Sykeston, ND, was on hand Friday, Aug. 4, replacing lighting so workmen can see inside the now emptied former grocery warehouse store. The floor has been leveled and drywall is being removed from the steel support pillars. He said work is beginning in earnest, now, on the interior and each week should see major improvements. This project is another project overseen by the Devils Lake Parks and Recreation Department, the Devils Lake Park Board. It is slated to be completed in early February pf 2024.
A Call Out: If your business is making improvements of any kind, a major overhaul or a minor make-over, contact Louise at loleson@cmpapers.com with that information and a photo to get your business and what you are doing to improve it listed in our “Harvest of Progress” for 2023. Provide a contact number for any questions she might have.